PCI India

Call For Papers


Greetings from the Policy Change Initiative!

We are delighted to announce that the Policy Change Initiative (PCI) has started an issue based online journal of public policy. PCI Journal is one of the crucial arms of Policy Change Initiative aspiring to publish and disseminate rigorous theoretical, applied and empirical research that augments our existing understanding of public policies and their impact. It welcomes original and unpublished essays from all social science disciplines and all shades of intellectual persuasions. We are therefore glad to invite research papers for our very first issue for online journal publication. The articles should be contemporary and should be able to contribute insightful knowledge and enhance public policy discourse.

 The mandate of the journal is to do research on the discourse of public policy and is based on the following areas where PCI works enthusiastically.

The main areas covered by the Journal are as follows:

  • Theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of public policy
  • Comparative study of public policy
  • Ethics and policy making
  • Democracy, citizenship, electoral politics and public policy
  • The interface between the state, multilateral bodies, the private sector, and civil society affecting public
  • policy
  • Public institutions, and models of governance
  • Law, economics and public policy
  • Science, technology, and sustainability
  • Human Development, capabilities and freedom
  • Diversity, equity, inclusion and public policy
  • Quantitative analysis and evaluation of development policies
  • Health, education, nutrition, water supply and sanitation
  • Environment, climate change and energy



 The participants are requested to kindly stick to the central theme within the context of public policy. The article will have to showcase the topic by being critically analytical of the issue. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited and shall lead to immediate rejection. Papers must be written solely by the candidate(s), in English, and may not have been submitted for publication elsewhere.

  • The title page should have title, authors’ name and contact information
  • 250 words abstract which should include 4-5 keywords
  • Please use 12-point Times New Roman
  • Submit it in the word document
  • All figures (include relevant captions)
  • All tables (include titles, description, endnotes only, no footnotes)
  • Ensure all figure and table citations in the text match the files provided
  • Supplemental files (where applicable): this would include the clean coded primary data. The data would be published on the website. If you do not want to share the data, a valid explanation is required
  • The manuscript has been ‘spell-checked’ and ‘grammar-checked.’
  • All references mentioned in the Reference List should be cited in the text, and vice versa
  • A competing interest’s statement should be provided, even if the authors have no competing interests to declare
  • Ethical clearance: provide the necessary documents related to ethical approval whenever primary data collection is involved
  • One author has been designated as the corresponding author with contact details (email id)


 Your paper your style: while submitting the first version of the draft, one needs to follow the broad instructions provided above; need not necessarily adhere to the particular journal style (reference journal style).


  • It is the author’s responsibility to ensure that all references and citations are correct, and the submissions do not contain any material that infringes copyright or is defamatory, obscene or otherwise unlawful or litigious.
  • The copyright of the manuscript will vest with the Policy Change Initiative. Due to accreditation will be given to the authors.
  • The submissions will undergo a double-blind peer-review process.
  • The revised paper would be sent back to the reviewer for further scrutiny and authors may be asked to make further
  • Final decision to publish the manuscripts rests on the editorial team, in consultation with the reviewer.
  • The Editorial Board reserves the right for modification of the manuscript to maintain the standard and quality of the submission. The board will notify its decision and other relevant information through email.
  • The editorial team do not undertake language editing. The authors might be required to take editorial assistance.


  1. Original research articles (7000-8000 words, excluding references and appendix, but inclusive of tables and figures),
  2. Perspectives (4000-6000 words)
  3. Commentaries/insight/opinion (2500-3000 words)
  4. Book reviews


Submission Deadline: Throughout Year

Intimation of Acceptance: As early as Possible

Submit here: Info@pciindia.in

If you have any query, you can contact us at info@pciindia.in or call us at +91-9654480046.