Exploring the Socio- Economic Impacts of COVID 19- A Case of India
In this report, we have tried to bring about umpteen issues with respect the changes brought up by corona virus pandemic. This report is divided into three sections, Economic, Social and Environmental & Health impacts on Indian society. Section first primarily dealing with economic issue like Consequences for the Indian economy, the future of industry, role of RBI during lock-down, Digitization amidst lock-down, and finally which industries got benefited from lock-down and which got impacted in much worse way. Section second is exploring the environmental and health issues like How this pandemic has forced government to build up a people centric health system, How pandemic has emerged as the blessing to the environment and finally the dynamic of heard immunity. Finally, the third sections is dealing with the social issues like, how this pandemic impacted different sections differently, for instances, domestic violence increase during lock-down, issue of migrant plight come to fore and other socio- psychological issues.