Sadaf JavedScholar


Sadaf Javed is a P.hD. candidate at the Department of Geography, Rutgers – The State University of New Jersey, USA.  Her P.hD. research work focuses on social movements around agrarian changes in the high altitude areas in India. While at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi she has completed her M.Phil. degree from Centre for Studies in Science Policy, on the topic “A Study of Tea Growers and Their Responses to Seasonal Variations and Extreme Weather Events in Contemporary Assam.” She also holds an M.S. in Environmental Science from School of Environmental Sciences, JNU.

Her research interests include nature-society theory, critical political ecology, human geography and critical physical geography. She has been an active contributor in the academic field by presenting and publishing papers and book chapters both nationally and internationally. She is also the recipient of numerous funding and grants throughout her academic career like Geography Excellence Fellowship, UGC-JRF, etc. Before enrolling for her Ph.D., Sadaf has worked at premier think tanks such as Observer Research Foundation (ORF) and Centre for Policy Research (CPR) and also government institution like IIITM, Gwalior.

Being a research scholar at Policy Change Initiative, she will focus on the socio-economic aspects affecting the agrarian society and the regional inequalities persistent in the high altitude areas in India.


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